The revolution had both positive and
negative effects not only on France
but in the whole Europe as discussed below.
Positive effects of the revolution
Revival of Parliament
France had taken over 175 years
without the parliament meeting and that is why grievances accumulated. However,
Parliament was brought back starting with that one of the 5th may
Revival of Constitutional Rule.
Before the French revolution of
1789,France was ruled by bourbon Monarchs whose powers were very absolute.Howver,
in the course of the revolution, constitution was formulated and they were
amended by Napoleon, the child of the French revolution.Dictatorial rule ended
with king LouisXVI who was guillotined during the reign of terror.
Ended Class division in France.
Before the French revolution, the
French society was divided into classes, ie the first estate made up of nobles
and clergy, Middle class and third Estate of peasants who owned nothing apart
from their bodies.however, during the Nationalization of the church property,
most peasants also got access to own land in France.
Led to rise of Napoleon Bonaparte to power.
People believe that without the
French revolution of 1789, Napoleon would have died apoor, unknown man, the
fact that he was born to peasant family. The revolution abolished class
division and opened career to talented Napoleon. More still, during the reign
of terror, most important who would claimed power in France,
died, eg robispierre, Murato.Danton, etc all perished leaving Napoleon with no
option but to take over power in France
The spread of the revolutionary ideas to other countries.
The revolutionary ideas of equality,
Liberty and Fraternity got spread to other European countries.Eg in
1796,Napoleon carried in to Italy during his Italian campeignTherefore, the
French revolution of 1789 was a turning point not only in the history of France
and across Europe.
Reduced the role of the church in state affairs.
Prior to the revolution, the Catholic
Church had much more influence over the state matters. The church controlled
and influenced all aspects of life worse of all the clergy men remained
unquestionable for the decisions they would make.However, the revolution ended
their role and put the church under the control of the state.
The revolution ended the religious intolerance in France
.before the French revolution, Tithe
was made compulsory and that is why Voltaire one of the political Philosophers
remarked that “If God did not exist its
necessary we great him now”However, the French revolution abolished such religious
tolerance which was actually an evil before God.
Declaration of Human Rights in France.
In the course of the revolution,
Human rights granted to all Frenchmen.
The 1789 constitution granted to the
people, gave them freedom of worship where people were free to join any religious
denominatiofreedom to association, freedom of Press, freedom of Speech all
granted to french men in the course of the French revolution.
Ended Dictatorial rule of the Bourbon monarchs in France.
Before the revolution, France
was ruled by Bourbon monarchs whose powers were unquestionable. They would make
laws very arrogant, proud and possessed absolute, King LouisXVI
Boasted and remarked.Teh thing is legal
because I wished it so.” After the revolution, Kings were to rule in
accordance to the constitution.
effects of the French revolution.
Massive loss of lives.
There was massive loss of lives
especially during the reign of terror where even King LouisXVI and his wife
Marie Antoinette were guillotined along with other 27,000 people. Other people
who did not also survive were Robespirre, Danton, Murato and others. Sincerely speaking,
human life was made too cheap during the reign of terror in France.
MAsssive destructions of property.
There were also massive destructions
of property in France.
Due to continuous mob actions, the mobs normally destroyed the property of the
suspects after killing them. The destruction started from the storming of the
Bastille prison and massive destructions of property was also witnessed in Paris where the mob
actions concentrated.
War with other countries.
The French revolution of 1789 led France into
wars with other countries. The truth is that other countries never wanted the
spread of revolutions to their countries especially the ideas of equality,
fraterty and liberty which was not wanted by other European monarchs who saw
how King Louis was tortured.Infact, Metternich called the French revolution as
Cancer, and fire that must be extinguished immediately.
Led to declaration of the civil constitution of the clergy in France.
This was the laws governing all the clergymen
France. By this law, all the clergy were to be appointed by the state officials,
their salary to be paid by the state. By this law also, the role of the
clergymen in controlling state affairs was reduced.
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