The French revolution refers to
the fundamental change that France
between 1789 up to the rise of Napoleon to power in 1799. Before the revolution, France was ruled by Bourbon monarchs who had absolute powers,
ruling without constitution, no parliament, and therefore, the king was the law and the laws were made by the king.
between 1789 up to the rise of Napoleon to power in 1799. Before the revolution, France was ruled by Bourbon monarchs who had absolute powers,
ruling without constitution, no parliament, and therefore, the king was the law and the laws were made by the king.
1. The nature of the ancient regime.
The ancient regime was
characterized by:
a) Dictatorial
kings with absolute, king LouisXVI remarked, “ The thing is Legal because I wish it so”
b) There
was no parliament in the ancient regime; many grievances accumulated un discussed.
France had taken 175 years
without the parliament meeting to discuss problems in France.
c) There
was no constitution governing the French men.
d) Using
the Arrest warrant called Lettres De Cachet; the French men were imprisoned
without trial by courts of law. This definitely caused a revolution in France.
2. The Financial crisis in France.
France experienced financial crisis
by 1789.This was brought about by extravagance of King Louis XVI and his wife
Marie Antoinette. Financial crisis caused the revolution in the following ways.
a) The
government was forced to borrow money from the middle class to pay the workers,
and when the money was not paid, the middle class started the revolution.
b) Because
of financial crisis, the government failed to Solve economic hardships like
c) Financial
crisis led to the calling of the meeting of the estate general that sparked off
the revolution.
d) Financial
crisis further, exposed the weaknesses of King LouisXVI as a failure.
3. The weaknesses of King LouisXVI.
King LouiXVI was the last
bourbon monarch who ruled France
during the eve of the French revolution. He was aweak; fat dull man got married
to a beautiful chicken brain woman Marie Antoinette who ill advises the king.
His weaknesses caused a revolution in many ways;
a) The
king lacked advisors; his only advisor was his wife. That is why Merabeau
remarked.” The King has only one man around him, his wife’
b) The
king failed to make the seating arrangement during the estate general meeting
that was called on 5th May 1789.
c) King
LouisXVI confined himself in the palace and remained un popular to French men
More importantly, the king was too arrogant,
dictatorial to the French men, causing a, He remarked. The thing is legal because wished it so”
4. Economic hardships in France.
By 1789, France was experiencing economic
distress such as inflation, un employment, famine, led the to the
revolution in the following ways:
a) Led
to rural urban migration and unemployed people in towns organized themselves in
to mobs that caused a revolution.
b) The
king never took any step to fight economic crisis, which left him un popular.
Causing a revolution.
c) The
economic crisis mostly hit the poor Third estate who organized a revolution.
d) Political
philosophers got a talking point and enlighten the masses to fight against the
ancient regime.
5. The role of the political philosophers.
Political philosophers were men
of great thingkers, highly educated intellectuals in France who enlighten the masses
with their writings. The common ones among others were, Voltaire, Montesgue,
and Rosou.The caused the revolution in the the following ways:
a) Exposed
the weaknesses of the ancient regime making it unpopular to the,
Voltaire attacked the religious intolerance, where tithe was made compulsory to
b) Advocated
for the democratic form of government as being the best for the French men.
6. The American war of independence of 1775 to 1783.
During American war of
independence, France
assisted American Financially, militarily and this caused a revolution in France in the
following ways.
a) The Frenchmen who
participated in the American war came back and demanded for the likes
of General Lafayette.
c) It
led to financial crisis in France
as they had to spend a lot of the French resources to finance the war. This led
to the out break of the French revolution in 1789.
The Seven year war for colony in India
with Britain:
fought with Britain in order
to colonize India.
In this wars that lasted for seven years, France
was defeated by Britain and
lost her colony in India.
This caused a revolution in the following ways.
a) These
wars led to financial crisis in France
as they had to use a lot of money to finance the war, leading to the
b) The
Frenchmen turned their blame to the king for dragging them into unproductive
wars, leading to the revolution in 1789.
c) The
war led to the collapse of the French industries as they lost the major source
of raw material in India to Britain. This
caused unemployment.
d) Many
Frenchmen died in the war that left the regime of King LouisXVI un popular
before the Frenchmen.
The Influence of England.
When the Frenchmen compared
themselves with the Engishmen, they found that they were behind politically,
socially and economically. This caused a revolution in many ways;
a) The
Englishmen had a constitutional form of government that the Frenchmen had also
to demand for it, causing that revolution.
b) In
There was a functional Parliament which was also demanded by the French men.
c) Economically,
was doing very well, and the French had to revolt and blamed the their
government for such economic hardship in their country
The role of Marie Antoinette, the King’s wife;
Marie Antoinette was beautiful but
with a chicken brain (too stupid, and no reasoning capacity).Making matters worse,
she was not liked by the Frenchmen because of being foreigner i.e. an Austrian
and in the same way she did not also like the French. She caused a revolution
in the following ways;
a) Antoinette
was the most extravagant Woman in the history of the world. She would put on 4
different pairs of shoes a very week, organized slavish parties every week
which caused financial crisis in France, leading to the revolution.
b) She
would openly abuse and insult the She once remarked to the angry
mob that.” If they can not afford bread, them go and by cake.
c) She
always confined King LouisXVI at the palace and in the bedroom practicing
bedroom politics, making the king to remain unpopular.
d) Antoinette
always ill advice the she advised the king to dismiss the financial
controllers, Turgot and Nicker who were trying to improve on the French economy
which annoyed the Frenchmen leading the outbreak of the revolution in 1789.
The calling of the meeting of the estate General on the 5th May
This was the lat event that sparked
off the revolution. The king was advised to call for the meeting to solve the
problems that the French men were facing. This event caused the revolution in
the following ways.
a) In
the meeting, the king failed to make the seating arrangement. He still demanded
that people should sit according to classes which was rejected the third Estate,
leading to the revolution.
b) The
meeting exposed the weaknesses of king LouisXVI.He could not even address the
Frenchmen and shortly, the king started shedding tears before the Frenchmen.
c) It
was the meeting that people realized that the king had no plan to solve the
problems faced by the Frenchmen.
d) The
king and his wife including the nobles shortly left the room leaving the third
estate to discuss their problems which gave a revolution its starting point and
by that level, the revolution would not be avoided.
The Calling of the meeting of the general Estate on the 5th May
This is the most significant event
that sparked off the revolution. This meeting was called to solve the problems
faced by the French people. This even was significant because:
a) It
marked the beginning and the revival of the parliament that had been abandoned
for a period of over 175 Years.
b) Exposed
the weaknesses of King LouisXVI.He failed to address the French people but
instead, Sheded tears before the French men.
c) In
this even, Constitutions were made to govern the French men.
d) People
made an Oath to remain faithful and never to give up not until France was given a constitution.
The Storming of the Bastille on the 28th June 1789.
Bastille was the state prison where
people who were arrested by letters de cachet were imprisoned. The storming of
the Bastille was significant in the sense that.
a) Storming
of the Bastille prison ended the tyranny and lettress de cachet.
b) Revolutionaries
were able to acquire some fire arms that became so significant in the course of
the revolution.
c) Many
prisoners were released and they helped in fighting the ancient regime.
3 The Declaration of the rights of
The Frenchmen were given their human
rights they deserved in the course of the revolution. This even was important
in that:
a) People
were given freedom of worship, not imposing Catholic religion on people as it
used to be.
b) The
right to speech was granted to all French men. By this time, all French men
could speak out whatever they wished to say.
c) The
right to Association was also given. They were free to form political parties.
The march of women to Versailles.
This was the demonstration that was
to be basically carried out by women and they were chosen believing that their present would make the
king accept to sign the document of right of man. However, some men were
dressed in women attires.This even was important in the sense that.
a) It
clearly shows that even women took part in the course of the French revolution
and they supported it.
b) The
king was forced to sign the document against his own will due to presence of
c) By
this time, the king was more of the prisoner than the king himself.
Nationalization of the Church Property.
This was the event where the church
property such as land was taken over by the state. By this time, even some of
bishops started declaring the wealth of the church and suggested that they
should be nationalized. It was significant in that.
a) It
made the church to hate the revolutionaries it spoiled the relationship between
the church and the revolutionaries.
b) Peasants
who were previously landless got chance to own some land in France.
c) Led
to an uprising from the church but were shortly brought to an end by the
The declaration of the civil constitution of the clergy.
This was the time when the
constitution governing the clergymen was made in France. This even was also
significant in that.
a) All
the clergy by this time were to be paid by the state.
b) Their
election to position was as well to be determined by the state official.
c) The
state was even granted powers to check the activities the clergymen in France.
d) This
even further, made the clergy to be the greatest enemies to the revolution.
The flight of the king to Verinne.
During this time, King LouisXVI
lacked advisors especially after the death of Miabeau.he made an attempt to
move to Austria to get
advise from Leopold his friend, but he was arrested and brought back to Paris. This even was so
great in that.
a) The
King was referred to as atrator in France.
b) Some
document was discovered with the king during his arrest that was against the
c) By
this even, the king was reduced to level of an ordinary Frenchmen, since he was
also arrested by ordinary Frenchmen.
Formation of political Clubs in France.
This came as result of the
declaration of rights of man. Many political clubs were formed in France. Among others,
included, the Jacobin club under Robespierre, Cordliere, Girondin club under
Murato and Danton respectively. This even was important in that.
a) This
political club started fighting for power by killing as many people as possible
in order not to be killed.
b) The
clubs truly divided the Frenchmen on the club basis. This brought the state of
lawlessness in France.
The reign of terror in France.
The reign of terror was the second
most significant event in the course of the French revolution. It was characterized
by massive killing of people and truly, there was no order in France by this time. What makes it
more important is that.
a) King
Louis and his wire were guillotined during the reign of terror.
b) Many
Frenchmen especially the noble began taking refuge to the neighboring countries
and they became known as Émigrés.
The Directory Goervenment 1795-1799.
This was the government that ruled France
during the course of the French revolution. It was composed of 5 Directors who
were to rule one year each. Among other directors included, Barass, Abey
Sieyyes, Ducas, etc.
It should be noted that this government
had a lot of weaknesses that gave Napoleon chance and opportutty to come power.
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